Sheena and Chris's Blog

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The third visit to the doctors!!

Well, there is me and big belly along with the ultrasound pic we had done today. Yeah I know I am huge for as far along as I am. Today we had our third doctors apointment. Everything went well and as far as we all could see........there is only one peanut! Yes only one. Hahaha But suprisingly I have not gained anymore weight from my last appointment. Yeah for me! I am 12 weeks now and out of the three month period.....Almost! The doctor said everything looked good and as long as I was feeling ok he was just going to see me in 4 weeks. I am still very tired but feeling good for the most part. Again today she used the intravaginal wand to take peanuts pic, but because I am still early we got a better pic that way. And just for the fun of it she looked to see if we could see the sex yet but nothing. Maybe next time. Let me tell you this baby is a mover. It was turning and flipping like crazy, using its little head to try to turn over and things. I just cant wait until I start to really feel it. We also got to see the heartbeat. We measured 165 beats per min which is good! It was the most crazy thing ever. And Mr. Tough guy (Chris) standing in the corner said that when he saw the baby moving he started smiling and got really excited. I have to admit also that I got a little emotional too. But anyhow I think thats about all that happened today. My next appointment is on Nov. 11. I will post more later but for now, I am quite tired. Love you all!!