Sheena and Chris's Blog

Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy and waiting.....January 19, 2009

Hello All! Again I have not been on here for a while.....part of that reason was because we have been very busy getting our room straightened up so we can start on Addison,s and the other part is because we lost our internet for about a week. So anyhow, there's not too much new with me and the baby. We are both doing well. She keeps moving more and more everyday and kicking me pretty good now. Chris gets to feel it more often which makes us both happy. I am doing well just getting more tired. Here about a week ago I had the flu with the vomiting and diarreha. And Addison was not happy since I couldnt eat for about a day. But other than that we are good.

As I said in the last post Chris was trying to get into Consol, well he has had all three interviews and he is in!!! We are so happy for him. He thinks his start date is the first week of Febuary. Also he went to drill this month and found out that his annual AIT training (that he does every year) happens to fall in the month of April right around my due date.......go figure. Just my luck! But when we thought about it, it might actually be better than if he was down inside the mine. For one he was allowed to take his car. He asked of one his superiors and they said they would arrange it and all he has to do is say that I had popped and he could go. Also he is allowed to carry his cell phone so it will be a hundred times easier and faster to get ahold of him. Luckily he wont be too far away just in Youngstown, Ohio, unlike his usual training that is in Michigan so thank god for that. But I am also lucky to have my family near by incase I would need something since I will be by myself for about 3 weeks in the last part of my pregnancy.

As for our room.....its almost done! FINALLY! It seems like its been forever, but with my dad and Chris both working they can only go as fast as the days they have off. And I feel bad because I cant help but I am hoping to be able to do more in Addison's room. And I cant wait to get started on it. The pictures above are of our floor, and the red paint is the final color.....hahahaha! I love it but dad calls it whore house red. We are almost finished so when we are done I'll put the pics on here of the final product. We are hoping to be able to move into our room by this weekend and maybe start on hers next weekend.

We are also going to register this Saturday.......what I have been kinda dreading for a while. Not that I am not excited about it but I am just not too sure of everything I need. Jaime, my cousin, gave me a list of things she uses all the time and gets the most use out of, which will be a BIG help. But I am not a shopper and I have a feeling it will be an all day thing. Chris is going along and he said that if he doesnt get to scan items he's not it should be an interesting day. I just hope to god I dont leave Target or Toys r Us and end up with the entire store on the registry. Hahahaha!

Let me think if there is anything else I forgot to mention. As usual I posted another pic of my belly.....and I think in this picture I am 25 weeks or the sixth month. Iam definately feeling more klumsy....loosing my balance and tripping more. I have a little swelling in my fingers so I had to take my ring off. I only have swelling in my toes when I have been standing for about 2 hours or more. And also its getting alot harder to stand all day at work and not feel exhausted or irritable. I stood the other day for about 5 hours straight. Yeah its not fun. So I try very hard not to take it out on Chris but sometimes its not that easy.

I have another doctors appointment on the 10th of Feb. I will then have my belly measured and have the gestational diabetes test done. I am hoping everything goes well. After that appointment I will start going every 2 weeks, which means I am getting close!!! I cant wait for her to get here! I never thought I would be so excited about this but I am thrilled beyond belief!

I need to be going and get dinner started but I will keep you updated as it gets closer to the due date. Love You All!!